[erlang-questions] wall_clock, runtime - what is the difference?

Paul Nelson pablosan@REDACTED
Mon May 19 20:35:41 CEST 2008

I don't know for sure, but I can make an educated guess. Since erlang is not
guaranteed to have 100% of your CPU time, runtime would be the actual amount
of processing time used by erlang. "wall_clock" time is simply recording the
actual time the process started and the actual time the process ended and
giving you the difference in "real time" (i.e. time as reported by a clock
on the wall).

That's my educated guess, anyway. :-)

-Pablosan (Paul Nelson)

2008/5/19 Sergey S. <neavirc@REDACTED>:

> Hello.
> As I know there are two methods of getting the elapsed time: using
> statistics(runtime) and statistics(wall_clock). What is the difference?
> Thanks.
> --
> Best regards.
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