[erlang-questions] Tracing ejabberd

Tuncer Ayaz tuncer.ayaz@REDACTED
Tue May 13 22:52:02 CEST 2008

On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 9:28 PM, Vlad12 <vsarpe@REDACTED> wrote:
>  Hello,
>  Can anyone tell me why every time i run ejabberd on "live" mode (opens an
>  erlang shell at the node  ejabberd@REDACTED) it does not allow me to run
>  dbg or fprof functions?
>  shell$ ./ejabberdct live
>  This is what i get if i try to run dbg:tracer(). :
>  (ejabberd@REDACTED)4> dbg:tracer().
>  ** exited: {undef,[{dbg,tracer,[]},
>                    {erl_eval,do_apply,5},
>                    {shell,exprs,6},
>                    {shell,eval_loop,3}]} **

If I may trust my slowly building Erlang skills this
error means that the system is unable to locate either
the module 'dbg' or the method 'dbg:tracer'.

A wild guess is that ejabberd's runtime config does not
include too many additional libs/modules.

The solution to your problem is something which I hope
to know soon after having digged deeper into ejabberd.
I know this doesn't solve your issue but may help
clear the situation.

>  =ERROR REPORT==== 13-May-2008::13:21:29 ===
>  Error in process <0.334.0> on node 'ejabberd@REDACTED' with exit value:
>  {undef,[{dbg,tracer,[]},{erl_eval,do_apply,5},{shell,exprs,6},{shell,eval_loop,3}]}
>  The error message is similar if i run fprof:trace(start). :
>  (ejabberd@REDACTED)9> fprof:trace(start).
>  {'EXIT',<0.354.0>,
>         {undef,[{dbg,trace_port,[file,"fprof.trace"]},
>                 {fprof,open_dbg_trace_port,2},
>                 {fprof,handle_req,3},
>                 {fprof,server_loop,1}]}}
>  =ERROR REPORT==== 13-May-2008::13:25:53 ===
>  Error in process <0.354.0> on node 'ejabberd@REDACTED' with exit value:
>  {undef,[{dbg,trace_port,[file,"fprof.trace"]},{fprof,open_dbg_trace_port,2},{fprof,handle_req,3},{fprof,server_loop,1}]}
>   Help is greatly appreciated

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