[erlang-questions] Erlang 10 years of Open Source; it is time for the next step

Rick Pettit rpettit@REDACTED
Tue Mar 18 23:15:14 CET 2008

On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 03:51:56PM -0400, Alex Alvarez wrote:
> I have to say that I don't see how could anyone at this point in time
> question the benefits of open sourcing and how it'd be good for Ericsson to
> open Erlang development more.  Yes, it cannot save a project that is doom to
> begin with, but in the case of Erlang it can only help improve it.  Now,
> this does not mean for Ericsson not to have control on how things progress,
> quite the opposite.  But with the amount of competition out there for
> developer minds and souls, Erlang is doom if doesn't keep enticing
> developers, particularly the ones who are willing to put in the time to help
> develop the language.  It is just a matter of time for the .NETs, the Javas
> and other platforms to provide the same level of functionality Erlang
> provides today.  If Erlang cannot munster and keep enough developers around,
> it's all over!

Sorry, but this is the silliest post I've read on this list in years.


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