[erlang-questions] erlang sucks

Mats Cronqvist mats.cronqvist@REDACTED
Tue Mar 18 09:25:45 CET 2008

Kevin Scaldeferri wrote:
> On Mar 17, 2008, at 6:31 AM, Jani Hakala wrote:
>> attila.rajmund.nohl@REDACTED writes:
>>> I don't think that immutable variables make it easier to write less
>>> buggier code. On the contrary, I often see code like this:
>>> HR1=f(HugeRecord),
>>> ...
>>> g(HR1).
>>> Then someone adds a line to modify the HugeRecord and forgets to  
>>> update
>>> the call to 'g':
>>> HR1=f(HugeRecord),
>>> HR2=f2(HR1),
>>> ...
>>> g(HR1).
>>> Now we have a stupid bug.
>> The compiler would warn about that
>>    Warning: variable 'HR2' is unused
> These examples always feel like people are insisting on writing  
> imperative code in a functional language.  Why not:
> HR1 = f2(f(HugeRecord)),
> ...
> g(HR1)

  word. i too tried to get erlc to compile thinly disguised C code when 
i first learned erlang.


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