[erlang-questions] Erlang Syntax - again

Thomas Lindgren thomasl_erlang@REDACTED
Wed Mar 12 13:04:47 CET 2008

--- Robert Virding <rvirding@REDACTED> wrote:

> Yes, this was one of the original requirements of
> our first/major users.
> They wanted named fields but as fast as using tuples
> directly. The system
> (computer+emulator) wasn't as fast in those days and
> they felt they couldn't
> offer performance. It was not misguided then. Anyway
> this meant that
> everything had to be done at compile-time, which
> *is* very un-Erlangy.

The problem is really that, coupled with the backward
compatibility commitment, all those quick fixes then
can never ever be revised. 

(Well ... hardly ever :-)

Anyway. Not pretty, but perhaps not a huge issue --
platforms such as Java and Unix live with the same, or


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