[erlang-questions] erlang sucks

Robert Raschke rrerlang@REDACTED
Mon Mar 10 17:20:11 CET 2008

Convey Christian J NPRI writes:
> Just speaking from my own impression as a newcommer, I really agree
> with the original author about the separator-vs.-terminator issue.
> The separators are a hassle for me.

Not sure if this is visible enough in the documentation, but
"comma" reads as "and",
"semicolon" reads as "or",
and the full stop should be self explanatory.
Pretty straightforward.

(Yes, this comes from the Prolog heritage.)

I think people get hung up about this, because it is easy to have an
opinion on.  Kinda like indentation, or _ vs CamelCaps.


PS I actually think the syntax differences are great, cause it means I
   don't get suckered into writing Java code in Erlang!

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