[erlang-questions] [eeps] EEP 9

Adam Lindberg adam@REDACTED
Fri Mar 7 10:22:15 CET 2008

Please name the module 'bstring' in instead of 'string_as_binary'. :-)


On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 9:43 AM, Per Gustafsson <per.gustafsson@REDACTED>

> Very good work, but I do have some comments:
> Just as for lists and strings I think that there should be two different
> modules one which just operates on binaries and one that operates on
> binaries which are really strings. This module seems to be first of
> these two for the most part so functions that only makes sense if the
> binaries are strings should probably reside in some other module. The
> string_as_binary module could have more or less exactly the same API as
> string and similar modules could be defined for utf8, utf16 and utf32 if
> necessary.
> *  to_upper(Binary1) -> Binary2
>    to_lower(Binary1) -> Binary2
> Should be in the string_as_binary module
> * binary_to_atom(Binary) -> Atom
>   atom_to_binary(Atom) -> Binary
> As you write these should probably be in the erlang module along with
> binary_to_existing_atom(Binary) -> Atom
> * unsigned_to_bin(Integer)-> Binary
> What does this function do? Does it create the shortest possible binary
> in which the unsigned integer would fit?
> better names might be
>   binary:from_unsigned(Integer) -> Binary
>   binary:to_unsigned(Binary) -> Integer
> * nth(N, Bin) -> Value
> To also satisfy 0-indexers there should probably be a
>   nth0(N, Bin) -> Value
> just as in the lists module
> Per
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