[erlang-questions] Use of makefiles

Armando Di Cianno armando@REDACTED
Wed Mar 5 00:21:03 CET 2008

On Tue, 2008-03-04 at 16:57 -0600, Logan, Martin wrote:
> I recommend Sinan.  If that is not what you are looking for try OTP Base which is a make based build system.  http://code.google.com/p/otp-base

Can you explain the differences between the tools/projects/names:
Faxien, Sinan, Erlware, OTP Base?  I asked some questionsd on #erlang a
bit ago, but no one in the know was around.

I downloaded faxien, but was unable to create my own bootstrap.  I was
also confused by its tight coupling to a specific erts version (which is
why I was trying to build it myselfto begin with).

Also unclear: is Erlware trying to completely replace my erlang install?
I know it's not going to remove the one installed on the system, but is
Erlware Erlang plus some stuff, or does Erlware work along side my
system's Erlang?

Finally, my goal in playing with Erlware a couple weeks ago was to write
ebuilds for Gentoo.  I already have a somewhat usefull eclass that
checks the system for specific version of erlang libraries, but my
efforts petered out when I found Erlware somewhat unapproachable.

So ... please help to clarify this for me -- I'd really, *really* like
to help out and support a more open Erlang library deployment system
than CEAN.

/me thinks he should join the erlware mailing lists

> Cheers,
> Martin 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: erlang-questions-bounces@REDACTED [mailto:erlang-questions-bounces@REDACTED] On Behalf Of Alexander Lamb
> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 5:40 AM
> To: erlang-questions@REDACTED
> Subject: [erlang-questions] Use of makefiles
> Hello list,
> I am starting a project in Erlang. I read Armstrong's book. He  
> indicates he uses makefiles to manage compiling erlang modules.
> Now, I am wondering. Is this overkill? Slightly outdated (makefiles  
> make me think of those sendmail config files: totally weird and  
> impossible to understand)?
> What are the various strategies to manage your build / run or build /  
> deploy cycles?
> Then, what is the strategy used to organize your code?
> I thought having a folder for a project, containing the makefile, then  
> a subdirectory src and a subdirectory ebin
> Unfortunately, I didn't manage to get my makefile work with that  
> setup. Here is my makefile:
> .SUFFIXES: .erl .beam .yrl
> .erl.beam:
> 	erlc -W $<
> .yrl.erl:
> 	erlc -W $<
> ERL = erl -boot start_clean
> MODS = profiles
> all: compile
> 	${ERL} -s profiles start
> compile: ${MODS:%=%.beam}
> clean:
> 	rm -rf *.beam erl_crash.dump
> subdirs:
> 	cd src; make
> Now this works, but only with .erl and .beam files in the main  
> directory.
> Thanks,
> --
> Alexander Lamb
> Founding Associate
> 4 ch. de la Tour de Champel
> 1206 Geneva
> Switzerland
> Tel:  022 347 77 37
> Fax: 022 347 77 38
> http://www.rodanotech.ch
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Armando Di Cianno

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