[erlang-questions] ANNOUNCE: logger for erlang: Log4erl

Ahmed Ali ahmed.nawras@REDACTED
Sun Jun 29 18:17:42 CEST 2008


Log4erl version 0.7 has been released at
http://code.google.com/p/log4erl. This project is aimed at replicating
features of Log4* family of loggers (e.g. Log4J).

Although I think error_logger that comes with the official erlang
distribution is a fine piece of software, I think this new logger has
its advantages. First of all, in log4erl, I'm able to write each log
in a line, which helps a lot in processing log files using standard
UNIX utilities (awk, sed, grep...etc). Log4erl supports customized log
level along with the standard features in error_logger. Also, I think
a newbie coming from other languages would find it more familiar than

You can find the list of features currently supported in the project's
website above. I'm planning to add more features (ability to log to
DB, possibly SNMP, multiple log handlers for each loggers....etc).

Please send your requests/feedback to my email and I'll be happy to
consider them.

Best regards,


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