[erlang-questions] Parsing binaries performance
Sebastian Dehne
Thu Jun 26 15:07:19 CEST 2008
Thanks for all the comments and explanations. Results: without changing
my suggested code (posted in the first message in the thread), I
upgraded to the latest version which did the test within 250ms. After
enabling +native, I got even 90ms. This doesn't match Java's 21ms, but
that's fine with me. (I like Erlang for all the other goodies!) 90ms is
much batter than 1500ms which I got first. Thanks!
On 06/26/2008 10:48 AM, Per Gustafsson wrote:
> I would suggest that you update your system to R12B-3. On my computer
> your program is roughly 6 times faster on R12B-3 than on R11B-5 this is
> due to a specific optimization for this kind of code. It will still be
> slower than the Java code, but if you use native compilation it should
> approach the same speed.
> Per
> Sebastian Dehne wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> I'm trying to write a parser in Erlang for a byte-stream (which I
>> receive from the TCP socket), but I realise that my code is slow
>> compared to the java version which I have. I've attached both version.
>> The java prints version:
>> Done: 93
>> The erlang version prints:
>> $ erl
>> Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.5.5 [source] [async-threads:0]
>> [kernel-poll:false]
>> Eshell V5.5.5 (abort with ^G)
>> 1> c(test).
>> {ok,test}
>> 2> Data1 = <<"Somestringcontainingcrlf\r\nandsomemoretextbehind\r\n">>.
>> <<"Somestringcontainingcrlf\r\nandsomemoretextbehind\r\n">>
>> 3>
>> 3> test:testwrapper(Data1, 500000).
>> Erlang Elapsed 1570 (runtime) 1586 (wall clock) milliseconds
>> ok
>> Both tests are run on the same machine. I also run the test several
>> times. Quite a difference between 93ms and 1586ms.
>> What am I doing wrong? How should I write the code in Erlang such that
>> it matches the performance of Java?
>> Thanks
>> Sebastian
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> import java.io.File;
>> import java.io.FileInputStream;
>> import java.io.IOException;
>> import java.util.ArrayList;
>> import java.util.LinkedList;
>> import java.util.List;
>> public class Test {
>> public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
>> test2();
>> }
>> public static void test2() throws Exception {
>> final byte[] data =
>> "Somestringcontainingcrlf\r\nandsomemoretextbehind\r\n".getBytes();
>> long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
>> for (int i = 0; i < 500000; i++) {
>> if (findPos(data) == -1) {
>> throw new Exception("Error");
>> }
>> }
>> System.out.println("Done: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() -
>> start));
>> }
>> public static int findPos(byte[] data) {
>> boolean cr_found = false;
>> int pos = 0;
>> for (byte b : data) {
>> ++pos;
>> if (b == '\r') {
>> cr_found = true;
>> } else if (cr_found && b == '\n') {
>> return pos;
>> } else {
>> cr_found = false;
>> }
>> }
>> return -1;
>> }
>> }
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> -module(test).
>> -compile(export_all).
>> testwrapper(Data, I) ->
>> statistics(runtime),
>> statistics(wall_clock),
>> test(Data, I),
>> {_, Time1} = statistics(runtime),
>> {_, Time2} = statistics(wall_clock),
>> io:format("Erlang Elapsed ~p (runtime) ~p (wall clock)
>> milliseconds~n", [Time1, Time2]).
>> test(_Data, 0) ->
>> done;
>> test(Data, I) ->
>> {true, _Pos} = find_crlf_or_end(Data, 0),
>> test(Data, I - 1).
>> % Find the position of the first '\r\n'
>> find_crlf_or_end(<<$\r, $\n, _/binary>>, Pos) ->
>> {true, Pos};
>> find_crlf_or_end(<<_, Rest/binary>>, Pos) ->
>> find_crlf_or_end(Rest, Pos + 1);
>> find_crlf_or_end(<<>>, Pos) ->
>> {true, Pos}.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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