[erlang-questions] Ideas for a new Erlang

Richard A. O'Keefe ok@REDACTED
Thu Jun 26 07:14:22 CEST 2008

On 26 Jun 2008, at 9:57 am, Ulf Wiger wrote:
> Haskell has channels, and so does .NET (mailbox objects).

And Concurrent ML, amongst others, had them even earlier.
> There is
> therefore an opportunity to compare programs and try to determine
> whether programming with channels makes for more or less
> readable code than erlang's selective receive.

It seems to me that programming with Erlang's receive is
far simpler to do, to read, and to reason about than
"channels" (strictly speaking, mailboxes).  The reason
is not far to seek:

    if channels are "objects", they can go ANYWHERE.

There's another one.  Although Nystrom presented two
receive forms, the text made it clear that two more were
required.  But he had forgotten the need for something
like BSD select()/System V poll()/Ada selective accept/
other languages' multiwaits.  That means another two

	nystrom_receive()	% default channel
	nystrom_receive_from(Channel, Timeout)
	nystrom_receive_from_any(Channel_Set, Timeout)

But it gets worse.

     if channels are "objects", they can go anywhere,

You have to explictly pass them around, especially loops.
So to handle the simple bounded buffer you would find
yourself writing stuff like this:

	buffer(Status, Contents, GetChan, PutChan) ->
	   Channels = case Status
			of full  -> [GetChan]
			 ; empty -> [PutChan]
			 ; _     -> [GetChan,PutChan]
	   case nystrom_receive_from_any(Channels)
	     of {GetChan,Who} ->
		{Status1,Contents1,Msg} = pop(Contents),
		Who ! Msg
	      ; {PutChan,Msg} ->
		{Status1,Contents1} = add(Contents, Msg)
	   buffer(Status1, Contents1, GetChan, PutChan).

That's assuming that multireceive returns a {Channel,Message}
pair.  Another approach would be to pass a list of {Channel,
Handler} pairs, when the code would look like

	buffer(Status, Contents, GetChan, PutChan) ->
	    GetHandler = fun (Who) ->
		{Status1,Contents1,Msg} = pop(Contents),
		Who ! Msg,
		buffer(Status1, Contents1, GetChan, PutChan)
	    PutHandler = fun (Msg) ->
		{Status1,Contents1} = add(Contents, Msg),
		buffer(Status1, Contents1, GetChan, PutChan)
		case Status
		  of full  -> [{GetChan,GetHandler}]
		   ; empty -> [{PutChan,PutHandler}]
		   ; _     -> [{GetChan,GetHandler},

How this is in any way simpler than a selective receive
entirely escapes me.

There's another problem with this.
I can easily fire up a bounded buffer process in Erlang:

	Buffer = spawn (fun () ->
	    buffer(empty, empty_buffer_contents())

because spawn/1 delivers the Pid *outside* the process.
But new_channel/0 delivers its result *inside* the
process.  This isn't so in Concurrent ML, where mailboxes
will talk to anybody.  In CML, the parent process would
create the mailboxes GetChan and PutChan:

	GetChan = Mailbox.mailbox(),
	PutChan = Mailbox.mailbox(),
	Buffer = spawn (fun () ->
	    buffer(empty, empty_buffer_contents(),
		   GetChan, PutChan)

But in Nystrom's proposal, "only the creator of a channel may
receive messages from it" (p 5).  So the channels have to be
created *inside* the new buffer process.  How then do other
processes get their "hands" on them?

Ahah!  It's all so EASY without selective receive!

	GetChanChan = new_channel(),
	PutChanChan = new_channel(),
	Buffer = spawn (fun () ->
	    GetChan = new_channel(),
	    PutChan = new_channel(),
	    GetChanChan ! GetChan,
	    PutChanChan ! PutChan,
	    buffer(empty, empty_buffer_contents(),
		   GetChan, PutChan)
	GetChan = ne_receive(GetChanChan),
	PutChan = ne_receive(PutChanChan),

By the way, recall that the problem that this "simplification"
is supposed to solve is this: "it is considered bad style to
leave too many messages in the mailbox".  Let me quote from the
Concurrent ML documentation for the Mailbox structure:

	Note that mailbox buffers are unbounded, which means that
	there is no flow control to prevent a producer from greatly
	outstripping a consumer, and thus exhausting memory.

If your mailbox is getting full, it's not another questionably
simpler language construct you need.  It's FLOW CONTROL, which
is a higher level protocol issue.

One thing I particularly like about 'receive' in Erlang is the
fact that it is visually hard to miss.  Things that look like
function calls are much easier to lose sight of in the thick
undergrowth of things that look like function calls.  In fact it
won't even do to just look for 'ne_receive' (or 'nystrom_receive*').
(It _is_ possible to hide 'receive', but it's a whole lot harder.)

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