[erlang-questions] re moving nth element from a list
Peter Lund
Wed Jun 25 09:59:22 CEST 2008
Use OTP stdlib!
Remove = R =
fun(L,N) ->
1> L=lists:seq(1,10).
2> R(L,2).
3> R(L,10).
4> R(L,1).
(if performance is an issue, measure different approaches)
anupamk skrev:
> hi all,
> can you please let me know what would be a more efficient approach to
> removing nth element from a list.
> here are 2 versions that i have come up with:
> ,----
> | %% remove nth element from a list
> | remove_nth(L, N) ->
> | do_remove_nth(L, N, 1, []).
> |
> | do_remove_nth([_ | Rest], N, Start, Result) when N =:= Start ->
> | do_remove_nth(Rest, N, Start+1, Result);
> |
> | do_remove_nth([First | Rest], N, Start, Result) ->
> | do_remove_nth(Rest, N, Start+1, [First | Result]);
> |
> | do_remove_nth([], _, _, Result) ->
> | lists:reverse(Result).
> |
> | remove_nth_2(L, N) ->
> | {Split_left, Split_right} = lists:split(N, L),
> |
> | lists:append(lists:sublist(Split_left, length(Split_left)-1),
> | lists:sublist(Split_right, length(Split_right))).
> `----
> i will be more than happy to know of other approaches to do the same
> too.
> thanks
> kind regards
> anupam
> ps: i posted this message earlier, but i didn't see it appear on the list.
> apologies if there are multiple copies of it.
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