[erlang-questions] why is gen_tcp:send slow?

Rapsey rapsey@REDACTED
Fri Jun 20 06:35:43 CEST 2008

All data goes through nginx which acts as a proxy. Its CPU consumption is
never over 1%.


On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 9:35 PM, Javier París Fernández <javierparis@REDACTED>

> El 19/06/2008, a las 20:06, Rapsey escribió:
>  It loops from another module, that way I can update the code at any time
>> without disrupting anything.
>> The packets are generally a few hundred bytes big, except keyframes which
>> tend to be in the kB range. I haven't tried looking with wireshark.  Still
>> it seems a bit odd that a large CPU consumption would be the symptom. The
>> traffic is strictly one way. Either someone is sending the stream or
>> receiving it.
>> The transmit could of course be written with a passive receive, but the
>> code would be significantly uglier. I'm sure someone here knows if setting
>> {active, once} every packet is CPU intensive or not.
>> It seems the workings of gen_tcp is quite platform dependent. If I run the
>> code in windows, sending more than 128 bytes per gen_tcp call significantly
>> decreases network output.
>> Oh and I forgot to mention I use R12B-3.
> Hi,
> Without being an expert.
> 200-300 mb/s  in small (hundreds of bytes) packets means a *lot* of system
> calls if you are doing a gen_tcp:send for each one. If you buffer 3 packets,
> you are reducing that by a factor of 3 :). I'd try to do an small test doing
> the same thing in C and compare the results. I think it will also eat a lot
> of CPU.
> About the proxy CPU... I'm a bit lost about it, but speculating wildly it
> is possible that the time spent doing the system calls that gen_tcp is doing
> is added to the proxy CPU process.
> Regards.
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