[erlang-questions] guard sequences problem

Igor Ribeiro Sucupira igorrs@REDACTED
Wed Jun 18 20:49:52 CEST 2008

2008/6/18 Circular Function <circularfunc@REDACTED>:
> 36> 5<4,12<2,12>4.
> true

Both were evaluated and the last result was shown.

I don't this is a guard, as it's not being used within an "if", a
"when" or the like...


> 37> 5<4;12<2;12>4.
> * 1: syntax error before: 12
> 37>
> so apparently when separating with , it just evaluates the last expression,
> or at leats only returns the result of that.
> and if i understand the manual right guard sequences should be written like
> that but apparently not.
> first expression is short for
> 40> begin 4<2, 3>2 end.
> true
> ?
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