[erlang-questions] Mocking in Erlang
Robert Virding
Sat Jun 7 22:37:17 CEST 2008
Actually this is not really a dirty hack. The reason why you can define your
own error handler is to allow customising error handling in an application.
We provided all the tools necessary to give you a wide range of options when
shooting your own foot. :-) Seriously this was not the case, we wanted to
provide tools to build systems and not packaged solutions.
2008/6/7 Christian S <chsu79@REDACTED>:
> > True. And something I would like even better is if I could generate
> > that module in a few lines close to the eunit test function. (Cant be
> > impossible to create a module directly from a list of atoms and funs.
> > Doesnt need to be fast.)
> >
> > A downside is that the module namespace is node-wide, so you cant
> > safely run your tests in parallell on the same node. This is a reason
> > I consider this to be a very dirty way to slip in the mock.
> To follow up on myself. I hacked up something that almost fulfills my
> wishes:
> You load this module that follows the inteface of an error_handler:
> -module(mock).
> -compile(export_all).
> undefined_function(Mod, F, Args) ->
> case get(Mod) of
> undefined ->
> exit({undefined, Mod, F, Args});
> MockDict ->
> Fun = dict:fetch(F, MockDict),
> apply(Fun, Args)
> end.
> undefined_lambda(_Mod, _Fun, _Args) ->
> exit(undef).
> Second, I put this in my process to install the above error_handler
> for this process:
> init() ->
> Mock = dict:from_list([{eat, fun() -> yum end}]),
> put(banana, Mock),
> process_flag(error_handler, mock),
> loop().
> Whenever this process calls banana:eat(), it will get the atom 'yum'
> back. Completly process local.
> YES! It is dirty! The prettiest flowers grow in manure!
> PS.
> http://paste.lisp.org/display/61885 has more of the code and
> experiment, at least until it goes away in a couple of hours.
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