[erlang-questions] On selective receive (Re: eep: multiple patterns)

Ulf Wiger ulf@REDACTED
Wed Jun 4 00:45:17 CEST 2008

2008/6/3 Sean Hinde <sean.hinde@REDACTED>:
> If it is just detection you are after then have a process that calls
> process_info to get the queue length of all processes in the system
> once per minute and raise an alarm if any are above a threshold. That
> is not much overhead at all, and can be done without introducing new
> features.

Just for fun, I made a few additions to plain_fsm, to play around with this.
The idea is that since you have a hook there anyway, you might
parameterize that hook so that it can check certain limits upon

The example program fsm_example.erl had a state
with an extended_receive and a timeout clause.
I added an option to tell plain_fsm to react if the
message queue grew past 3 messages:

spawn_link() ->
    plain_fsm:spawn_link(?MODULE, fun() ->

queue_limit() ->
      [{watch, [{queue, 3, fun(S) ->
                                           io:format("msg queue too long!~n"),

Testing the code in the shell:

1> P = fsm_example:spawn_link().
timeout in idle
timeout in idle
2> [P ! hi || _ <- lists:seq(1,10)].
timeout in idle
msg queue too long!
timeout in idle
timeout in idle

In the current version, you can insert checks for message queue length
and heap size, and run_queue, as a quick and dirty way to detect CPU
overload. I haven't checked it in in Jungerl - not convinced yet that
it's a good idea. If anyone wants to play with it, I can send you the code.

Anyway, you're absolutely right in that this kind of check can be made
fairly easily without introducing new 'features'.

Ulf W

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