[erlang-questions] Newbie Orber-ssl question

Sant Parkash Singh spkhaira@REDACTED
Mon Jun 2 14:52:52 CEST 2008

Hello all,

I am very new to Erlang and want to write clients in Erlang for my C++ CORBA
servers which are working on SSLIOP (SSL over IIOP).

I am trying to initialize Orber with security on windows machine (XP). For
this I followed the steps mentioned in Orber User Guide ...
but facing some problems ...

I am trying the following commands from Erlang shell -

1) mnesia:start().


2) corba:orb_init([{domain, "MyRAMSingleNodeORB"}, {secure,ssl},
{ssl_server_cacertfile, "C:/WINDOWS/AvayaCerts/ProactiveContactCA.pem"},
{ssl_server_keyfile, "C:/WINDOWS/AvayaCerts/corbaServer_key.pem"}]).


3) orber:install([node()], [{ifr_storage_type, ram_copies}]).


4) orber:start().

{error,"Unable to start Orber. Is the listen port vacant?"}

=INFO REPORT==== 2-Jun-2008::17:58:57 ===
    application: orber
    exited: {shutdown,{orber,start,[normal,[]]}}
    type: temporary

Can anyone please help me with this?
Many thanks in advance.
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