[erlang-questions] Use of makefiles

Alceste Scalas alceste@REDACTED
Thu Feb 28 15:04:04 CET 2008

Il giorno gio, 28/02/2008 alle 12.40 +0100, Alexander Lamb ha scritto:
> What are the various strategies to manage your build / run or build /  
> deploy cycles?

GNU Autoconf includes some useful Erlang macros:


GNU Automake, however, does not support Erlang files (yet).  It means
that you can easily generate a ./configure script that checks your
Erlang environment, but then you will need to tweak your Makefile's (or
Makefile.am's) by hand.


Alceste Scalas <alceste@REDACTED>
CRS4 - http://www.crs4.it/

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