[erlang-questions] help about process,why very slow.

瞄瞄 icejmx@REDACTED
Sat Feb 16 04:26:06 CET 2008

Hello everyone! I recent study erlang familiar with the code to make a
message transmitted server, have a problem!

I development of the information transmitted server function:
Aclient Bclient are connected to Server, and joined a group C, Aclient
send message to group C , message will be transmitted to B by group C.
SOCKET use the binary (active true), (2) packet.

News Server design:
Have a process responsible for monitoring all client even when the
client connect server, another process (group_manager process)
maintenance division List of members of the client group, each group
(group process) to have an process within the group responsible for the
client to transmit message.

Performance testing problems encountered by:
A test of million sent to the SERVER message used on the finished eight
seconds, and automatic logoff, and the content of the message are the
same, so, the test Lan network.
SERVER through tcpdump monitor and indeed also in the eight seconds are
all the message at the end, and not from the message into the A, however
SERVER transmitted to the messages with for a very long time, over 10
minutes, finally, I end of the process.

In server,use top,the cpu is 99% by beam.smp.
31586 root 17 0 70564 18m 1868 S 99.9 0.9 15:46.12 beam.smp

Is it a problem I designed a very slow ? Or as a result of the process
of communication? What measures can be taken tuning?

Thank you help!

the server code
# -module(emssserver).
# -export([init/0]).
# -define(TCP_OPTIONS,[binary,{packet, 2}, {active, true}, {reuseaddr,
# -define(PORT,7000).
# -define(Debug,"YES").
# -ifdef(Debug).
# -define(DEBUG(Fmt, Args), io:format(Fmt, Args)).
# -else.
# -define(DEBUG(Fmt, Args), no_debug).
# -endif.
# -record(group,{name,gpid}).
# -record(client, {name,pid,socket}).
# init()->
# {ok, Listen} = gen_tcp:listen(?PORT, ?TCP_OPTIONS),
# register(accept_connection, spawn(fun() -> accept_connection(Listen)
# register(group_manage, spawn(fun() -> group_manage([]) end)).
# accept_connection(Listen) ->%% listen new client connection
# {ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:accept(Listen),
# Pid = spawn(fun() -> client_recv(Socket,"","") end),
# gen_tcp:controlling_process(Socket,Pid),
# accept_connection(Listen).
# client_recv(Socket,ClientName,GroupPid)->%%client process recv
# receive
# {tcp, Socket, Bin} ->
# ?DEBUG("Server recv Data\r\n",""),
# case binary_to_term(Bin) of
# {join,JoinName,ClientNameTmp}->%%client join
# ?DEBUG("client_recv Join:~s ~s\r\n",[JoinName,ClientNameTmp]),
# G=#group{name=JoinName},
# group_manage ! {join,G,self()},%%get group pid
# receive
# {grouppid,GPid}->%%recv group pid
# ?DEBUG("Client_recv grouppid ~w ~s\r\n",[GPid,ClientNameTmp]),
# GPid!{join,Socket,ClientNameTmp,self()} %% send "join" msg to group
# end,
# client_recv(Socket,ClientNameTmp,GPid);
# {send,GroupName,Msg}->%%send msg to group
# ?DEBUG("client_recv Send:~s ~s\r\n",[GroupName,Msg]),
# GroupPid!{send,ClientName,Msg},
# client_recv(Socket,ClientName,GroupPid)
# end;
# {tcp_closed, Socket} ->
# ?DEBUG("client_recv close\r\n",[])
# end.
# group_manage(Group)->%%manage group member
# ?DEBUG("group_manage start\r\n",[]),
# receive
# {join,JoinGroup,ClientPid}->
# ?DEBUG("group_manage Join:~s\r\n",[JoinGroup#group.name]),
# case lists:keysearch(JoinGroup#group.name, #group.name, Group) of
# false ->
# Pid=spawn(fun() -> group([]) end),
# ?DEBUG("group_manage group pid~w\r\n",[Pid]),
# ClientPid!{grouppid,Pid},%%return client_recv group pid
# JoinGroupp = #group{name=JoinGroup#group.name,gpid=Pid},
# Gs = [JoinGroupp|Group],
# ?DEBUG("group_manage group:~w\r\n",[Gs]),
# group_manage(Gs);
# {value,SingleGroup} ->
# ?DEBUG("group_manage group is set ~s\r\n",[SingleGroup#group.name]),
# ClientPid!{grouppid,SingleGroup#group.gpid},
# group_manage(Group)
# end
# end.
# group(Client)->%%send msg to all
# ?DEBUG("group \r\n",[]),
# receive
# {join,Socket,ClientName,CPid} ->
# ?DEBUG("group ClientName ~s\r\n",[ClientName]),
# ?DEBUG("group Client set ~w\r\n",[Client]),
# case lists:keysearch(ClientName,#client.name,Client) of
# false->
# ?DEBUG("group new client\r\n",[]),
# ClientNew = #client{name=ClientName,pid=CPid,socket=Socket},
# ClientTmp = [ClientNew|Client],
# group(ClientTmp);
# {value,SingleClient}->
# ?DEBUG("group client is set ~s\r\n",[SingleClient#client.name]),
# group(Client)
# end;
# {send,ClientName,Msg}->
# ?DEBUG("group recv client send ~s\r\n",[Msg]),
# lists:foreach(fun(T)->send(ClientName,T,Msg) end,Client),
# group(Client)
# end,
# ok.
# send(FClientName,TClientName,Msg)->
# if
# FClientName /= TClientName#client.name ->
# ?DEBUG("send f:~s t:~s
# M = {FClientName,Msg},
# gen_tcp:send(TClientName#client.socket,term_to_binary(M));
# true->
# ?DEBUG("send from eq to\r\n",[])
# end.

the client code is "gen_tcp:send",iterative

the code install three linux server.

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