[erlang-questions] Wrong compilation warning

Kostis Sagonas kostis@REDACTED
Wed Feb 6 21:29:25 CET 2008

Maxim Treskin wrote:
> -record(core_state, {
>           ctx_ids = [] :: [#ctx_ids{}],
>           contexts = [] :: [#context{}]
>          }).
> I see a warning:
> Warning: record context is unused
> Record #context is unused in code, except in definition of record 
> #core_state. May be is it compilation bug?

Well, a superfluous warning, even if bogus, is clearly not a compilation 
  bug. In your code the culprit is the linter (erl_lint) that has not 
been adapted to take into account type annotations in record declarations.
This might happen soon -- possibly even in the next R12 release.


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