[erlang-questions] Sending Message to Erlang node from C node

J Bhanot j.bhanot@REDACTED
Mon Feb 4 14:10:06 CET 2008


I have succesfully connected to Erlang node from C node as when I execute 


from Erlang node...i get the name of c node as 

Now when I am trying to send the message from C node to Erlang node using 

if(erl_reg_send(sockfd, "pong@REDACTED", cmsg) == 0)


I get neither inside nor outside...

the prompt just comes to next line

looks like process is dying while using erl_reg_send

On the erlang side, I am using following pong script:


-export([start_ping/1, start_pong/0,  ping/2, pong/0]).

ping(0, Pong_Node) ->
    {pong, Pong_Node} ! finished,
    io:format("ping finished~n", []);

ping(N, Pong_Node) ->
    {pong, Pong_Node} ! {ping, self()},
        pong ->
            io:format("Ping received pong~n", [])
    ping(N - 1, Pong_Node).

pong() ->
        finished ->
            io:format("Pong finished~n", []);
        {ping, Ping_PID} ->
            io:format("Pong received ping~n", []),
            Ping_PID ! pong,

start_pong() ->
    register(pong, spawn(tut17, pong, [])).

start_ping(Pong_Node) ->
    spawn(tut17, ping, [3, Pong_Node]).

and after the executing following in Erlang shell :


I assume that my server process is registered and listening to messages - 
please correct me if ny understanding is not correct or anythingelse needs 
to be done.....

Please note :  I am able to connect but not able to send message from C 
node to Erlang node3

Appreciate your help..

Thanks and Regards,


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