[erlang-questions] tcp keepalive option

AndrewJStone stondage123@REDACTED
Tue Dec 30 17:47:23 CET 2008

Once again I have to answer my own question...

In case anyone is curious the answer is that when a TCP keepalive
timeout occurs you get a tcp_error message with Reason "etimedout"


On Dec 25, 3:18 am, Andrew Stone <stondage...@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently trying to test code that sets the sockopt {keepalive, true} along with {active, true} in gen_tcp:listen, which is inherited by the connected socket. However, after much searching I am unable to figure out what happens when the actual connection times out.
> If a TCP keepalive timeout occurs, does the erlang process receive a {tcp_error, Sock, Reason} message or does it receive a {tcp_closed, Sock} message.
> Thanks,
> Andrew
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