[erlang-questions] Noob questions: Searching a tree
Richard O'Keefe
Thu Dec 11 05:12:53 CET 2008
On 10 Dec 2008, at 12:25 am, Edward Stow wrote:
> Hi
> Is this a friendly place to ask very simple questions about Erlang and
> functional programming. I'm learning both at the same time. For
> example I want to search for a value in the nodes of a tree structure.
> The tree is simply nested lists. For example
> 6> tut1:search(a, [b, [a]]).
> true
> 7> tut1:search(a, [b, [c]]).
> false
> 8> tut1:search(a, [ [a], b]).
> true
The starting point is a question:
"What do you *mean* 'the tree is simply nested lists'?"
Can a "value" ever be a list itself?
If so, does the "value" [a,b] occur in the list [c,a,b]?
Haskell programmers talk about "rose trees"
where a rose tree is a node that has a value and 0 or more subtrees.
is_rose_tree({Value,Children}) ->
is_rose_tree(_) ->
is_rose_tree_list([Tree|Trees]) ->
case is_rose_tree(Tree)
of true -> is_rose_tree_list(Trees)
; false -> false
is_rose_tree_list([]) ->
is_rose_tree_list(_) ->
The nice thing about starting by writing down a recogniser
for a recursive data structure is that computations on it are
often straightforward edits of the recogniser.
member_rose_tree(X, {X,_}) -> true;
member_rose_tree(X, {_,L}) -> member_rose_tree_list(X, L).
member_rose_tree_list(X, [T|Ts]) ->
case member_rose_tree_list(X, T)
of true -> true
; false -> member_rose_tree_list(X, Ts)
member_rose_tree_list(_, []) ->
Note that with this representation a rose tree CAN be a value
in a rose tree, and there is never any doubt about which bits
are values held in the tree and which are substructure.
Of course this is prettier in Haskell:
data Rose_Tree t = Rose_Tree t [Rose_Tree t]
x `elem` (Rose_Tree y ts) = x == y || any [x `elem` t | t <- ts]
but the Erlang version is also straightforward.
> My implementation is: Is this implementation OK or how else would it
> be performed.
> -module(tut1).
> -export([search/2]).
> %% Search for an element in tree (nested lists)
> search(_, []) ->
> false;
> search(A, [A|_]) ->
> true;
> search(A, [H|T]) when list(H), length(H) > 0 ->
> [H1|T1] = H,
> search(A, [H1 | [T1 | T]]);
> search (A, [_|T]) ->
> search(A, T).
length/1 is an order N operation. In this context,
you simply don't need it. Your third rule could
just be
search(A, [[H1|T1]|T]) ->
search(A, [H1|[T1|T]]);
From your definition, you ARE willing to accept a list as a value
in a nested list, and you are even willing to accept [a,b] as
one of the values in [c,a,b] --- I would NOT be --- so you could
simplify the whole thing to
search(A, A) ->
search(A, [H|T]) ->
case search(A, H)
of true -> true
; false -> search(A, T)
search(A, _) ->
It's not quite the same, but close enough for government work.
I do think that a clearer separation between "payload" and
"structure" would be a good idea, as in the "rose tree" datatype
described above.
> Question: I'm not really sure of the semantics of the comma operator
> in the function when clause:
> search(A, [H|T]) when list(H), length(H) > 0 ->
It means "AND".
> Can somebody point me towards some relevant documentation.
Either the old Erlang book or Joe's new Erlang book.
The on-line reference manual, which is at
describes guards in "6.24 Guard Sequences",
which you can reach from the navigation bar on the left.
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