[erlang-questions] qlc join query results
Bernard Duggan
Mon Dec 8 04:13:57 CET 2008
Hi all,
I'm hoping someone will be able to explain some interesting results
we're getting when using qlc. Essentially, when we try to do what looks
like a relatively simple "join" style operation, we're getting different
results depending on the ordering of our generator terms, and we don't
understand why. Here's some sample code that demonstrates the issue:
------------------------ post.erl ----------------------------
-import(lists, [seq/2, map/2]).
-import(io, [fwrite/1, fwrite/2]).
-record(r1, {a, b}).
-record(r2, {c, d}).
start() ->
% Start up mnesia and set up two tables, one for each record type
ok = mnesia:start(),
{atomic, ok} = mnesia:create_table(r1
, [{attributes, record_info(fields, r1)}]),
{atomic, ok} = mnesia:create_table(r2
, [{attributes, record_info(fields, r2)}]),
% Populate tables with
mnesia:dirty_write(r1, #r1{a=1, b=1}),
fun (N) -> ok = mnesia:dirty_write(r2, #r2{c=N, d=1}) end
, lists:seq(1, 100)
Query = fun(N, Q) ->
case mnesia:transaction(fun() -> qlc:e(Q) end) of
{atomic, L} -> fwrite("~s result = ~p
entries\n", [N, length(L)]);
Error -> fwrite("~s error: ~p\n", [N, Error])
Query("join by field r1, r2"
, qlc:q([
{X#r1.b, A#r2.d}
|| X <- mnesia:table(r1)
, A <- mnesia:table(r2)
, X#r1.b == A#r2.d
Query("join by field r2, r1"
, qlc:q([
{X#r1.b, A#r2.d}
|| A <- mnesia:table(r2)
, X <- mnesia:table(r1)
, X#r1.b == A#r2.d
Query("join by field r1, r2 nested"
, qlc:q([
{X#r1.b, A#r2.d}
|| X <- mnesia:table(r1)
, A <- mnesia:table(r2)
, X#r1.b == A#r2.d
], {join, nested_loop})),
This produces the following output:
join by field r1, r2 result = 2 entries
join by field r2, r1 result = 100 entries
join by field r1, r2 nested result = 100 entries
The second and third lines are what we'd expect to get - the question
is, why do we get two results from the first query? What exactly is it
about that ordering of generators that causes qlc to choose a different
join method and, in a more general sense, how can we predict which
method will be chosen? Also, why exactly 2 results? I can understand 1
or 100, but 2?
Thanks in advance,
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