[erlang-questions] Using a queue
Robert Virding
Tue Aug 26 03:05:02 CEST 2008
2008/8/26 yoursurrogategod@REDACTED <yoursurrogategod@REDACTED>
> Ok, based on your suggestions, here is what I have.
> Eshell V5.5.5 (abort with ^G)
> 1> Q1 = queue:new().
> {[],[]}
> 2> Q2 = queue:in("foo", Q1).
> {["foo"],[]}
> 3> Q3 = queue:in("bar", Q2).
> {["bar"],["foo"]}
> 4> Q4 = queue:in("blah", Q3).
> {["blah","bar"],["foo"]}
> 5> Q5 = queue:in("stuff", Q4).
> {["stuff","blah","bar"],["foo"]}
> 6> Q6 = queue:out(Q5).
> {{value,"foo"},{["stuff","blah"],["bar"]}}
> 7> Q7 = queue:in("stuff1", Q6).
> =ERROR REPORT==== 25-Aug-2008::20:23:40 ===
> Error in process <0.31.0> with exit value: {badarg,[{queue,in,
> ["stuff1",{{value,"foo"},{["stuff","blah"],["bar"]}}]},
> {erl_eval,do_apply,5},{erl_eval,expr,5},{shell,exprs,6},
> {shell,eval_loop,3}]}
> ** exited: {badarg,[{queue,in,
> ["stuff1",
> {{value,"foo"},{["stuff","blah"],
> ["bar"]}}]},
> {erl_eval,do_apply,5},
> {erl_eval,expr,5},
> {shell,exprs,6},
> {shell,eval_loop,3}]} **
> For some reason, when I tried to add on to Q7 after removing a value,
> it crashed. One thing that I discovered was when I did > Q6., I got
> the below:
> {{value,"foo"},{["stuff","blah"],["bar"]}}
> I managed to get at the list that contains stuff and blah (which is a
> little odd).
queue:out returns {{value, Item}, Queue} or {empty, Queue}, i.e. it
returns both the value and the remaining queue after the value has been
removed. If there was a value it is returned as {value,Value} otherwise
'empty' is returned.
Returning multiple values in a tuple is common practice in erlang, actually
it is almost the only way to do it.
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