[erlang-questions] Need help with simple_one_for_one

Serge Aleynikov saleyn@REDACTED
Thu Aug 21 00:06:55 CEST 2008

After looking at your code for the second time, I see that the init 
function is wrong - it should be:

init([StartArgs]) ->

Try that.  You are not indicating here what the error is, but if it is 
function_clause, then that's it.


Matt Williamson wrote:
> So no. I did not send it any event.
> Serge, I enabled sasl via application:start/1 but when I ran the function in
> question I didn't get any output from it.
> On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 1:00 PM, Mazen Harake
> <mazen@REDACTED>wrote:
>> Hi Matt,
>> Sorry this might be a stupid question but did you send it an event?
>> /Mazen
>> Matt Williamson wrote:
>>> I hate to keep bugging with simple problems, but I'm stuck again. My FSM
>>> dosn't seem to be executing its first state. Here is my init function:
>>> /init(StartArgs) ->
>>>    InitialState = case StartArgs of
>>>    {store_chunk, Chunk} ->
>>>        io:format("FSM Storing chunk...~n"),
>>>        {ok, storing_chunk, [Chunk]};
>>>    {get_chunk, Args} ->
>>>        {ok, getting_chunk, Args};
>>>    Else ->
>>>        %% @todo Add error logging here.
>>>        io:format("Bad arg for FSM: ~p~n", [StartArgs])
>>>    end,
>>>    io:format("FSM Initial State: ~p~n", [InitialState]),
>>>    InitialState./
>>> storing_chunk/2 is exported and I'm not getting any errors. Here is that
>>> function:
>>> /storing_chunk(_Event, [Chunk]) ->
>>>    io:format("STATE: storing_chunk~n"),
>>>    case erlfs_store_lib:store_chunk() of
>>>    ok ->
>>>        {next_state, notifying_tracker, Chunk};
>>>    {error, Reason} ->
>>>        %% @todo Add error logging here.
>>>        io:format("FSM Stopped: ~p~n", [Reason]),
>>>        {stop, {file, Reason}, Chunk#chunk.chunk_meta}
>>>    end./
>>> On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 11:04 AM, Serge Aleynikov <saleyn@REDACTED<mailto:
>>> saleyn@REDACTED>> wrote:
>>>    The error you reported earlier:
>>>    {'EXIT', {badarg, [{erlang, apply,
>>>       [erlfs_store_worker_fsm, start_link, {store_chunk, ...}]}]}}
>>>    was a clear indication that erlang:apply(M,F,A) was called with A
>>>    being a tuple rather than a list.  If this still doesn't work
>>>    after replacing tuple with a list in the second argument of the
>>>    supervisor:start_child/2 call, this means that you probably have
>>>    other issues in the erlfs_store_worker_fsm:start_link/1 itself.
>>>    I can't say anything more without seeing a more detailed error report.
>>>    Serge
>>>    Matt Williamson wrote:
>>>        Yes, I saw that in the docs. What I was saying is that calling
>>>        apply(M, F,
>>>        A++List) =:= apply(M, F, List) when A =:= [].
>>>        I did try your suggestion anyway with the same results.
>>>        On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 9:54 AM, Serge Aleynikov
>>>        <saleyn@REDACTED <mailto:saleyn@REDACTED>> wrote:
>>>            What is the arity of erlfs_store_worker_fsm:start_link
>>>            function?
>>>            Not quite sure what you mean by [] ++ 1 below.
>>>            The supervisor:start_child/2 takes a list [term()] as the
>>>            second parameter.
>>>             Here's its docs:
>>>            "If the case of a simple_one_for_one supervisor, the child
>>>            specification
>>>            defined in Module:init/1 will be used and ChildSpec should
>>>            instead be an
>>>            arbitrary list of terms List. The child process will then
>>>            be started by
>>>            appending List to the existing start function arguments,
>>>            i.e. by calling
>>>            apply(M, F, A++List) where {M,F,A} is the start function
>>>            defined in the
>>>            child specification."
>>>            Note the A++List part.
>>>            Matt Williamson wrote:
>>>                I'm afraid that did not work. I am passing an empty
>>>                list, and if I execute
>>>                [] ++ 1 in the shell I get 1.
>>>                On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 9:31 AM, Serge Aleynikov
>>>                <saleyn@REDACTED <mailto:saleyn@REDACTED>>
>>>                wrote:
>>>                 Try starting it as:
>>>                    supervisor:start_child(erlfs_store_worker_sup,
>>>                    [{store_chunk, Chunk}])
>>>                    The simple_one_for_one strategy appends the
>>>                    arguments passed to
>>>                    supervisor:start_child/2 to the list of args
>>>                    specified in the
>>>                    supervisor's
>>>                    spec.
>>>                    Serge
>>>                    Matt Williamson wrote:
>>>                     Hello,
>>>                        I am starting a gen_fsm with
>>>                        supervisor:start_child(erlfs_store_worker_sup,
>>>                        {store_chunk, Chunk}) but I get the following
>>>                        error:
>>>                        {error,
>>>                                                        {'EXIT',
>>>                                                         {badarg,
>>>                                                          [{erlang,
>>>                                                            apply,
>>>        [erlfs_store_worker_fsm,
>>>                                                             start_link,
>>>                                                             {store_chunk,
>>>                                                              {chunk,
>>>           {chunk_meta,
>>>            {file_meta,
>>>             "test123",
>>>             "test.txt",
>>>                                                                 0,
>>>             "text/plain",
>>>             {{0,1,1},{0,0,0}}},
>>>                                                                0,
>>>                                                                0,
>>>                                                                []},
>>>           <<"Hello world!">>}}]},
>>>       {supervisor,do_start_child_i,3},
>>>       {supervisor,handle_call,3},
>>>       {gen_server,handle_msg,6},
>>>       {proc_lib,init_p,5}]}}}
>>>                        I've been trying to figure it out for a while,
>>>                        but I am having a hard
>>>                        time.
>>>                        Here is the Child Spec in the supervisor
>>>                        (erlfs_store_worker_sup):
>>>                        init(Args) ->
>>>                         WorkerSpec = {erlfs_store_worker_fsm,
>>>                        {erlfs_store_worker_fsm,
>>>                                            start_link, []},
>>>                               temporary, 2000, worker,
>>>                        [erlfs_store_worker_fsm]},
>>>                         {ok,{{simple_one_for_one, 0, 1}, [WorkerSpec]}}.
>>>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>> Mazen Harake <mazen@REDACTED>
>> Erlang Software Developer and Consultant,
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