[erlang-questions] variable unsafe just in macros
Richard A. O'Keefe
Tue Aug 12 03:03:55 CEST 2008
On 10 Aug 2008, at 9:31 am, Lasaro wrote:
> -define(debug,true).
> -ifdef(debug).
> -define(DEBUG(Msg),
> case Msg of
> [] ->
> io:format("{~p@~p:~p}", [?MODULE,?LINE,self()]);
> [[_|_]=Format, [_|_]=Param] ->
> io:format(lists:append(["{~p@~p:~p} ",Format]), [?MODULE,?
> LINE,self()|Param]);
> [_|_] ->
> io:format("{~p@~p:~p} "++Msg, [?MODULE,?LINE,self()]);
> _ ->
> io:format("{~p@~p:~p} wrong debug call", [?MODULE,?
> LINE,self()])
> end).
> -else.
> -define(DEBUG(_M), true).
> -endif.
First observation: lists:append([X,Y]) would be simpler as X++Y.
Second observation: where are the comments explaining how this is to
be used?
Third observation: surely a macro definition did not give you a warning
about an unsafe variable? Surely that happened later, when you called
So we need to see the call as well, but it probably wants to use a
variable Param for its own purposes.
Simple change: use 'hd' and 'tl' instead of variable names.
case Message
of [] ->
; [[_|_], [_|_]] ->
io:format("{~p@~p:~p} " ++ hd(Message),
; [_|_] ->
io:format("{~p@~p:~p " ++ Message,
; _ ->
io:format("{~p@~p:~p wrong debug call",
Fourth observation: where's the newline being written?
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