[erlang-questions] "Design patterns" for functional languages?
Sten Kvamme
Thu Aug 7 21:23:41 CEST 2008
I have always considered anti-patterns to be more interesting than
patterns. Learning from other peoples mistakes is not limiting the
creativity like patterns is doing. Studying patterns and re-doing
other peoples solutions is downright boring.
The pattern movement started with Christoper Alexander trying to
teach less great architects to create quality-without -a-name. The
experiment was not successful, the less great architects could not
create quality-without -a-name despite the extensive help from
Christopher's patterns.
/Sten Kvamme
On Aug 7, 2008, at 19:22 , Patrick Logan wrote:
> "The OTP is a collection of GoF-style patterns for Erlang."
> I think this list, as well as the softwate community as a whole, has
> lost sight of the original intent of the "patterns movement".
> The original intent of a "pattern" is the format of the information,
> more than the information per se.
> The format should be written in (one of several) pattern styles. The
> overall presentation of some set of patterns should form a "patterns
> language".
> So to say the "OTP is a collection of patterns" is true only in the
> worst definition of "pattern".
> A really useful pattern language for OTP would guide the programmer
> from some initial kind of problem through the application of some
> patterns that address that problem and associated forces that would
> direct the programmer through a set of choices and partial solutions,
> toward an overall solution.
> And stuff.
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