[erlang-questions] erlang api documentation

Daniel Luna luna@REDACTED
Thu Oct 25 11:07:38 CEST 2007

On Wed, 24 Oct 2007, Kenneth Lundin wrote:
> I have plans to improve the doc's in the direction you ask for. I am 
> also considering using Javascript in a similar way as used in the 
> previously mentioned http://gotapi.com. But I think it is still a 
> requirement that the doc's can be downloaded and browsed locally without 
> the need for having a web-server running. I think it would be ok to 
> require a browser with javascript capabilities (we already require 
> javascript when it comes to links between applications)

And this javascript is actually quite irritating for me. I quite often 
wish to open links in a new tab, but when the link is a javscript thingie 
I only get an empty tab when I middle-click.

Please don't use them in the future version.

Daniel Luna                           | Top reasons that I have a beard:
luna@REDACTED                     |  a) Laziness.
http://www.update.uu.se/~luna/        |  b) I can.
Don't look at my homepage (it stinks).|  c) I can get away with it.

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