[erlang-questions] Simple, how to do "paging" with mnesia records

Kenneth Lundin kenneth.lundin@REDACTED
Thu Oct 18 17:45:56 CEST 2007

Look at the documentation for QLC

With QLC you can do access mnesia with a cursor in which you specify
how many answers you want.

By the way mnemosyne that you use in your example is a deprecated application
that will be removed from the distribution in the next release i.e
before end of 2007.

/Kenneth (Erlang/OTP team at Ericsson)

On 10/17/07, bbrown <bbrown@REDACTED> wrote:
> For example, in java I might do the following to set at some "start" index
> and then only return X number of records.  This may operate independent of
> the ids in question.
> query.setFirstResult(page * pageSize);
> query.setMaxResults(pageSize);
> List data = query.list();
> What is a mnesia approach for doing this.
> Eg, I was going to use something along the following And then maybe do a less
> than link_id > than.  But I havent made it yet.  And yes, I probably need to
> do a little bit more research.  But I thought I would ask before I waste of
> day of work.
> page_links() ->
>    Q = query [E || E <- mnesia:table(entity_links),
>                    E <- [#entity_links{link_id=1},
>                          #entity_links{link_id=2}
>                         ]]
>        end,
>    F = fun() -> mnemosyne:eval(Q) end,
>    case mnesia:transaction(F) of
>        {atomic, Result}  -> {ok, Result};
>        {aborted, Reason} -> {error, Reason}
>    end.
> --
> Berlin Brown
> [berlin dot brown at gmail dot com]
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