[erlang-questions] ANN: ActionScript (ECMAScript 4) to Erlang compiler

Anthony Shipman als@REDACTED
Thu Oct 18 07:26:49 CEST 2007

On Thursday 18 October 2007 08:50, Joel Reymont wrote:
> Folks,
> Roberto Saccon and I agreed to collaborate on the ActionScript
> (ECMAScript 4) to Erlang compiler. We will start with the partial
> yecc grammar that Denis Loutrein put together.
> The project is open source and hosted at http://code.google.com/p/
> jserl/.
> My personal goal is to deliver a working compiler within a couple of
> months since the compiler is part of a bigger project for me.
> We do need a better name than jserl, though, so how about suggesting
> something warm and fuzzy? How about the Panda Project?

I've thought of using the SpiderMonkey javascript interpreter as a part of an 
Erlang system. The interpreter could be put into a C node and communicate 
with the rest of the system via messages.

This might be less trouble if you just need an extension language.

Anthony Shipman                    Mamas don't let your babies 
als@REDACTED                   grow up to be outsourced.

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