[erlang-questions] SNMP Agent Trap receiver

Decker, Nils n.decker@REDACTED
Mon Oct 8 16:11:32 CEST 2007


In the excellent snmp module there is a difference between the documentation and the code.

The documentation for send_notification states for the Receiver parameter and the snmp_targets message:
"If there are no targets for which an Inform-Request is sent, Addresses is the empty list []."

In R11B2 (debian stable) the snmp_targets message is not sent if there is no receiver.

The cause seem to be these two clauses in snmpa_trap.erl:
send_v2_trap(_TrapRec, [], _Vbs, _Recv, _NetIf, _SysUpTime) ->
send_v3_trap(_TrapRec, [], _Vbs, _Recv, _NetIf, _SysUpTime, _ContextName) ->

The Address for snmp_targets, got_response and no_response should be a tuple of {IP, UDPPort}.

I get for example this tuple: {[1,3,6,1,6,1,1],[192,168,61,10,19,236]}.

[1,3,6,1,6,1,1] is the Oid of snmpUDPDomain and [192,168,61,10,19,236] is the address in the SnmpUDPAddress textual convention.

  Nils Decker

- MCI alles aus einer Hand -

Nils Decker

Studio Hamburg Media Consult International (MCI) GmbH
Jenfelder Allee 80
22039 Hamburg
phone:  +49 (0)40 66 88 34 37
fax:    +49 (0)40 66 88 52 22
E-mail: n.decker@REDACTED
Web:    www.mci-broadcast.com
Geschäftsführung: Ralf Schimmel
Prokuristen: Jörn Denneborg, Jörg Pankow
Amtsgericht Hamburg, HRB 70454

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