[erlang-questions] why there is no function proc_lib:start(Fun)?

Tomas Abrahamsson tomas.abrahamsson@REDACTED
Wed Oct 3 19:24:59 CEST 2007

On 10/2/07, YAMASHINA Hio <hio@REDACTED> wrote:
> When using proc_lib:start,
> I force to export the entry point function
> even if there is no need to invoke from
> outside of that module.
> There is proc_lib:spawn(Fun) function.
> Why proc_lib:start(Fun) does not exist?

I often wanted a proc_lib:start(Fun), too, but
one can use erlang:apply/2 as a workaround:

    proc_lib:start(erlang, apply, [fun() -> proc_lib:init_ack({ok, self()}),

This can be useful for functions in the
rpc module as well.


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