[erlang-questions] Communicating processes

Fredrik Hoback fredrik.hoback@REDACTED
Mon Mar 26 20:05:04 CEST 2007

Hi, I'm having some trouble with inter-process communication. First  
of all I have a process which receives a message it looks something  
like this:

receive_msg() ->
		{Msg} ->
		io:format("Recieved Message");
		io:format("Nothing to report")
Note: this process is spawned and registered as proxy.

To continue: I have another module which I start from within the  
shell it looks similar to this:

	Msg = "Hello World", 	% My message
	send(Msg),			% here I send my message somewhere unknown and the  
reply is sent to the process proxy above
						%Here I want to receive the message that is received in proxy

So how to I accomplish this? Is there any other way then using " ! "?  
What I would like to do is to call the process proxy from within  
send_message and the return answer should be Msg, is this possible?  
And how should it look?

Fredrik Hoback

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