[erlang-questions] gen-fsm problem

Bob Cowdery Bob.Cowdery@REDACTED
Wed Mar 21 20:35:26 CET 2007

Hi all,

Could some kind person tell me how to figure out what's wrong here. It's my first gen-fsm module. Just stand-alone not part of a supervisor tree. As far as I can tell the state machine is initialised and it's in the right initial state and the event and state data matches the function-clause. The idle function is not entered.


=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2007::19:23:33 ===
** State machine 'erlink-sm' terminating
** Last event in was {"INIT_ENVIRONMENT",
** When State == idle
**      Data  == [{<4683.45.0>,ui,st,dsp,hw,"D:\\srs\\state"}]
** Reason for termination =
** {function_clause,[{sm_sdr1000,idle,

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