[erlang-questions] reshd-1.2 compatibility issue with R11B-3

Bob Ippolito bob@REDACTED
Mon Mar 12 04:06:01 CET 2007

I've been looking around at examples of doing alternative IO shells
with Erlang and I stumbled across reshd, which looked to be an ideal
example because it's less complicated than ssh. I haven't been able to
find much documentation about group_leader or the group module.

reshd-1.2 from http://www.erlang.org/user.html#reshd-1.2 didn't seem
to be compatible with R11B-3 though, because something seems to have
changed from lists to binaries (probably iolists).

I've attached simple patch that appears to work. All it does replace
lists:flatten(X) with a function that's equivalent to

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