[erlang-questions] xmerl still slow?

Erik Stenman Erik.Stenman@REDACTED
Wed Jan 31 14:31:56 CET 2007

bryan rasmussen wrote:
> A performance difference of 5 times being irrelevant because if it is
> relevant then you shouldn't use XML? That hardly seem reasonable given
> that in most cases where XML is used in multiple user applications the
> difference between 5 seconds and 25 seconds is considered as being the
> difference between acceptable and not.
I stand by my statement. If you are spending 5s *parsing* XML then
you are using the wrong protocol (at least for an interactive application),
or a very old computer.

> Cheers,
> Bryan Rasmussen
> On 1/31/07, Erik Stenman <Erik.Stenman@REDACTED> wrote:
>> Joel Reymont wrote:
>> > Folks,
>> >
>> > I stumbled upon a thread from '05 that mentions eXpat having 5 times
>> > the performance of xmerl.
>> >
>> Show me an application where this performance difference matter,
>> and I'll show you an application that shouldn't use XML.
>> /Erik
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