[erlang-questions] HOWTO: Jabberlang vs. talk.google.com

Darrin Thompson darrinth@REDACTED
Wed Jan 3 04:35:02 CET 2007

I successfully connected with talk.google.com using jabberlang from
process-one svn.

Here's how:

sudo stunnel -c -d localhost:5222 -r talk.google.com:5223

> {ok, X} = xmpp:start("localhost", 5222, "gmail.com").
% username is myuser, NOT myuser@REDACTED
> xmpp:set_login_information(X, "myuser", {password, "mypass"}).
> xmpp:connect(X).

Hope that saves some poor soul a few hours. :-)

Process-one folks: look, I know you're all busy running an actual
business and stuff, but could jabberlang please get some attention
sometime? Even a bunch of half baked patches or workspace snapshots
would be helpful.


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