[erlang-questions] will Erlang ever have currying?

Yariv Sadan yarivvv@REDACTED
Wed Sep 6 00:53:42 CEST 2006


I couple of my functional programmer friends have complained about
Erlang's lack of currying. (One of them has even described currying as
"more addictive than heroin without the nasty effects" :) ). I didn't
get a "final" answer last time I asked this question, so I'd like to
ask it again (at least so I have an intelligent answer to give to
others): will Erlang ever have currying?

This is the kind of currying I mean, in pseudo code:

F = fun(A,B) -> A+B end.
F1 = F(2).
true = F1(3) == 5.

Thanks in advance.


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