gen_server -- newbie code critique?
Vance Shipley
Mon May 29 20:23:48 CEST 2006
Your use of State has some style problems.
On Sun, May 28, 2006 at 04:04:11AM -0700, Andrew Lentvorski wrote:
} -record(state, {theQueue}).
} init([]) ->
} {ok, #state{theQueue=queue:new()}}.
} handle_call({in, InObj}, _From, State) ->
} QR = queue:in(InObj, State#state.theQueue),
} UpdatedState = #state{theQueue=QR},
} {reply, ok, UpdatedState};
You are using a record to store the State however it contains only
one field. Until you need more fields you might as well get rid
of the record:
init([]) ->
{ok, queue:new()}.
However if you do plan on adding fields later keep the #state{}
record but then you'll need to update it instead of recreating it:
handle_call({in, InObj}, _From, State) ->
QR = queue:in(InObj, State#state.theQueue),
{reply, ok, State#state{theQueue = QR}};
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