Announcing Dryverl: an Erlang-to-C binding compiler

bryan rasmussen rasmussen.bryan@REDACTED
Fri May 26 09:35:56 CEST 2006

Why are the bindings specified in an XML Schema?

Bryan Rasmussen

On 5/26/06, Romain Lenglet <rlenglet@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is an announcement for the creation of the Dryverl project.
> Dryverl is a compiler for Erlang-to-C bindings.
> Currently, it support the generation of bindings implemented as C
> port drivers, but it will support also implementations as C port
> programs and C nodes.
> This project is a rewrite of, and aims at continuing the EDTK
> project, on a more flexible and efficient implementation base.
> More information on the project web pages.
> The web site is not yet finished, and I still have to make a
> tarball, but the compiler is functionnal (cf. the XSL
> stylesheets in the SVN repository), the binding specification
> language is well specified in an XML Schema, and Dryverl
> corresponds to an actual need currently discussed on the mailing
> list. ;-)
> Any comments are welcome.
> --
> Romain LENGLET

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