Field assignments are reordered in record creations

Wed May 24 17:14:48 CEST 2006

So what is ,?  Can I not depend on an expression prior to a , being  
evaluated before something after the ,?
What about ; in guard statements?
Is it the same idea, simply not called a sequence point? Or is the  
idea not existent?

On May 24, 2006, at 9:59 AM, David Hopwood wrote:

> David Hopwood wrote:
>> orbitz@REDACTED wrote:
>>> I don't believe what is happen is what you think is happening.  The
>>> issue is that the order of execution in a single sequence point  
>>> is  not
>>> defined.  Your code does no say anything about which record   
>>> fields gets
>>> assigned first, simply which function gets executed  first.  You  
>>> cannot
>>> depend on the order of execution of an expression  to reflect how  
>>> you
>>> wrote it.  Compilers are generally free to execute  expressions in
>>> whatever order is easiest for them.
>> Erlang is not C; it has no concept of sequence points. However,  
>> you're
>> correct that the evaluation order of arguments to an operator or  
>> function
>> call is undefined. See section 6.3 of
>> < 
>> core_erlang-1.0.3.pdf>.
> Sorry, that's Core Erlang. The corresponding statement in the Erlang
> reference manual is in section 6.5 of < 
> 513634.html>.
> -- 
> David Hopwood <david.nospam.hopwood@REDACTED>

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