File sharing software
Yariv Sadan
Tue May 2 05:54:51 CEST 2006
It's funny you bring up this article, because I developed Pando's P2P
core in C, and actually looked at Erlang as a potential language for
some backend components. I'm not an Erlang expert, but I did quite a
lot of research into it and found its unique clustering features and
high level semantics quite appealing. Some issues that I didn't find
very reassuring, however, were mnesia's rather limited table size (2
GB according to
stdlib-1.13.12/doc/html/index.html) and unsuitability for handling
large blobs (noted at
questions/199910/msg00059.html). (By the way, if anybody knows of
solutions to these issues, please let me know.)
Clearly, the size of the Erlang runtime made Erlang too heavy for the
client, which needed to be as light as possible. I would have only
considered Erlang if the runtime were no more than a few hundred KB.
But then again, my personal philosophy is that when you're developing
client software, stick to C/C++, which may be harder to write
bulletproof code in but in the long run pay dividends in user
satisfaction (a good example is how uTorrent has eclipsed Azureus as
the most popular BitTorrent client primarily due to its small
footprint). Having said that, maybe "Erlang lite" is a perfect fit
for the app you have in mind, which I can't claim to know fully :)
On May 1, 2006, at 10:07 PM, Jay Nelson wrote:
Everyone seems to be using digital cameras and video cameras. They
are emailing the results among family and friends. A new group of
companies is providing a file sharing alternative instead of email,
that is built on peer-to-peer or even bit torrent:
This should be a no brainer type application for erlang, except for
the big install. I know Joe has talked about setting up a public
peer-to-peer network for erlang apps.
This brings up the perennial question of the stripped version of
erlang. If there was a 1MB install that was a single file or single
click, it would be an ideal way to set up this sort of distribution
Anyone pursuing anything along these lines?
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