Beam label 0 special?

Mikael Pettersson mikpe@REDACTED
Thu Jun 22 13:36:30 CEST 2006

On Wed, 21 Jun 2006 15:16:51 -0700, Andrew Lentvorski wrote:
> Does label 0 have a special meaning in BEAM code similar to the way atom 
> 0 does?
> nil is always atom 0 even though it is not listed in the atom table, right?
> Is there something similar going on with label 0 that I am missing?

'nil' would be an atom, but it's unrelated to [] (NIL).
NIL is not an atom, either in the language or in the BEAM implementation.

Atom number 0 happens to be 'false' in the current system, but I strongly
doubt that the number 0 has any special significance in this context.

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