Implementing tables - advice wanted
Dan Gudmundsson
Mon Jun 19 10:20:49 CEST 2006
I have worked on a "large" integer "array" imp.
Faster than gb_trees but not an O(1) access time, it still is a tree.
For 4500000 objects total millisecs/micros per op.
Module gb_trees ga
insert alot 9155/ 2.0347
lookup 6419/ 1.4265 2689/ 0.5977
update 19065/ 4.2368 8679/ 1.9288
from_list 2560/ 0.5689 766/ 0.1702
to_list 967/ 0.2151 243/ 0.0542
from_orddict 2560/ 0.5690 1084/ 0.2411
to_orddict 995/ 0.2213 1884/ 0.4188
map 4554/ 1.0122 1788/ 0.3974
keymap 4704/ 1.0454 2287/ 0.5083
foldl 1806/ 0.4014 1204/ 0.2677
keyfoldl 1700/ 0.3779 1825/ 0.4057
foldr 1622/ 0.3606 1318/ 0.2929
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Richard Carlsson writes:
> Joe Armstrong (AL/EAB) wrote:
> > Erlang really really really (^100) needs tables.
> Allow me to disagree somewhat. Erlang already has good tables,
> both using hashing (dict) and binary trees (gb_trees). The
> syntactic convenience of a built-in table/dictionary type is
> really a minor thing. (Not that I would oppose having such a
> notation, but I really don't think it is critical in any way.)
> The main advantage would be psychological, I think: a standard
> one-size-fits-all dictionary type makes it easier for people to
> start using them in public interfaces, and not just internally.
> What I _do_ miss now and then (and when I need them, I have to
> jump through several hoops to get them) is indexable tables
> (i.e., arrays) with O(1) access time and a _small_ constant
> factor, and no copying of the stored data.
> If I remember correctly, the experiment with a "vector" data
> type (which used destructive update internally, with some
> penalty for accessing older versions of the data) was killed
> by bad interaction with the garbage collector, leading to
> rotten performance. Have things changed enough in the GC by
> now for this to become worth a new attempt?
> /Richard
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