newbie question: flat_length example

jim min stock16@REDACTED
Wed Jun 14 17:55:38 CEST 2006

>From: Vance Shipley <vances@REDACTED>
>To: Quan Ta <quancta@REDACTED>
>CC: erlang-questions@REDACTED
>Subject: Re: newbie question: flat_length example
>Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2006 21:29:33 -0400
>On Fri, Jun 09, 2006 at 08:10:23PM -0500, Quan Ta wrote:
>}  flat_length([H,T], N) when list(H) ->
>                  ^
>                  |
>should be |  ----+
>}  why is the result 3?  should it be 4?
>}  -- Quan

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