RFC: template engine [ was: Re: Implementing tables - advice wanted ]
Yariv Sadan
Wed Jun 14 15:53:01 CEST 2006
> Lot's of yaws apps have been built using the ?TXT macro
> from jungerl. Easy.
Claes, I assume it shouldn't be too difficult to add to Yaws another
rendering function, which would be used such as
yaws_api:render("template1.tpl", TemplateData).
where template1.tpl has such code:
out(Data) ->
Person1 = data:get(person1, Data),
%% do something with Person1
Result = io_lib:format("~w", [Person1]),
%% modify props
NewData = data:add({person2, [{name, "bob"}]}, Data),
%% return result
{Result, NewData}.
<%! this is a comment, won't be rendered %>
<%! syntactic sugar for implicitly writing 'out(Data) ->...{Result} ' %>
<%= data:get(person2, Data). %>
<%= yaws_api:render("footer.tpl", {year) %>
The major change is to modify out(A) to accept the Data parameter
rather than today's Arg, and to make it return either {Result} or a
{Result, NewData} tuple. NewData, if exists, will be passed to
subsequent out(Data) calls.
With this feature, it will be quite easy to add a controller that
takes a URL, calls a function and matches the result with a template
What do you think?
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