Implementing tables - advice wanted

Thomas Lindgren thomasl_erlang@REDACTED
Tue Jun 13 14:22:49 CEST 2006

--- "Joe Armstrong (AL/EAB)"
<joe.armstrong@REDACTED> wrote:

> > I would instead recommend starting out by
> translating the 
> > notation into using dict or, even better, a
> well-defined 
> > behaviour. Then plug in more efficient
> implementations as needed.
> I did that a long time ago - it's the more efficient
> implementation I'm
> interested in. 

OK, but why not settle the notation first?

For implementation of fast, pure arrays and hash
tables, I'd suggest looking at what could be called
the "exception list approach", e.g.:

or Eriksson & Rayner, 2nd Int'l Logic Programming
Conference, 1984.

The same approach was later used in Hipe
(pre-generational GC).


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