[patch] Jungerl/iBrowse compiler error workaround
Sat Jun 10 05:42:51 CEST 2006
I need to apply the following patch to the current jungerl CVS version
of iBrowse due to what appears to be a compiler error in erlang versions
prior to R11B:
diff -Nurw jungerl.orig/lib/ibrowse/src/ibrowse_http_client.erl jungerl/lib/ibrowse/src/ibrowse_http_client.erl
--- jungerl.orig/lib/ibrowse/src/ibrowse_http_client.erl 2006-06-01 08:02:06.000000000 +1000
+++ jungerl/lib/ibrowse/src/ibrowse_http_client.erl 2006-06-10 13:30:15.000000000 +1000
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@
chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize) ->
chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize, []).
-chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when Body == <<>>; Body == [] ->
+chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when Body == []; Body == <<>> ->
LastChunk = "0\r\n",
lists:reverse(["\r\n", LastChunk | Acc]);
chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize, Acc) when binary(Body),
The compiler problem can be reproduced with the following fragment:
-export([works/1, fails/1]).
works(Body) when Body == []; Body == <<>> ->
fails(Body) when Body == <<>>; Body == [] ->
which produces the following:
Function fails/1 refers to undefined label 11
./test.erl:none: internal error in beam_dead;
crash reason: {{case_clause,{'EXIT',{undefined_label,11}}},
I can reproduce this with erlang versions R10B-7 (Dapper) and R10B-9
(Debian unstable), but it doesn't occur with a manual build of R11B.
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