[e-lang] Proposal: E / Erlang integration
Ulf Wiger
Thu Jun 8 20:44:12 CEST 2006
Den 2006-06-08 18:04:41 skrev Mark S. Miller <markm@REDACTED>:
> Regarding concurrency control, E's event-loops are non-blocking. By
> contrast, the preferred Erlang style for sending a request and
> receiving a response is for the requesting process to do a blocking
> receive that is receptive only to the alleged response (where the
> alleged response is distinguished from other requests by
> convention). This would seem to leave networks of Erlang processes
> vulnerable to deadlock. Continuing with section 24.2 of my thesis:
>> Although Erlang was inspired by Actors, a common programming pattern
>> in Erlang is for a process to block waiting for a reply to a
>> previous request. While blocked, the process is not responsive to
>> other requests. This is like the "message-oriented systems" of Lauer
>> and Needham [LN79] rather than the non-blocking event loops of E.
>> [LN79] Hugh C. Lauer and Roger M. Needham. On the Duality of
>> Operating System Structures. In Proc. 2nd International Symposium on
>> Operating Systems, pages 3--19. IRIA, October 1979. ACM Operating
>> System Review.
> However, if Erlang systems don't seem to be vulnerable to deadlock in
> practice, the Erlang community may not find the above difference
> compelling.
You could read and perhaps comment on my presentation at EUC 05:
Structured Network Programming
(http://www.erlang.se/euc/05/1500Wiger.ppt), where I take a basic
telephony problem ("complex concurrency") and implement it both using
selective receive and in an event-driven, non-blocking fashion. One of the
things to note is that while it is possible to accomplish low-level
deadlocks, the application-level concurrency issues are the really hairy
ones. You may well accomplish an application-level deadlock even with a
fully non-blocking, event-driven design. These deadlocks are extremely
difficult to foresee and debug. I argue that non-blocking event-driven
programming can lead to a complexity explosion in certain situations. This
is hardly an original idea. Mike Williams, Bjarne Däcker and others wrote
about this already in the late 70's, I believe (at least in internal
Ericsson documents.) However, it's not that well covered in teaching
In Erlang, programmers tend to learn pretty quickly to insert timeout
guards on receive statements most of the time. If one uses gen_servers,
there's a built-in 5-second timeout. This way, your processes will crash
rather than deadlock, which at least gives you a clear indicator that
something went wrong, and sometimes even lets the program continue.
Ulf Wiger
Ulf Wiger
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